Contact Information (Guardian)

Share the full name as per CNIC / SNIC

CNIC Number

Your statement of account will be sent to this email address on Monthly basis.

Verify your details

Kindly enter the 6 digit One Time Authentication Code (OTAC) shared on your registered Mobile Number and Email ID.

The OTP shared on your registered mobile number and email address will expire within 10 minutes. In case the OTP has expired, please request a new OTP.

Kindly enter the 6 digit OTP (One Time Password) sent to your registered Email Address or Mobile Number.

The OTP sent to your registered email address or mobile number will expire within 10 minutes. In case the OTP has expired, please request a new OTP.


Did not receive the 6 digit OTAC ? Please click here to Resend OTAC

Self Employed


Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Choose Banking Mode

Conventional Banking

روایتی بینکنگ

We have a host of products tailored to your financial needs so you can bank with us with convenience.

ہمارے پاس آپ کی مالی ضروریات کے مطابق بہت ساری مصنوعات موجود ہیں تاکہ آپ سہولت کے ساتھ ہمارے ساتھ بینکنگ کر سکیں۔

Islamic Banking

اسلامک بینکنگ

Bank AL Habib offers a full range of Shariah Compliant Islamic Banking products and services through its dedicated branches in major cities across Pakistan

بینک الحبیب پاکستان بھر کے بڑے شہروں میں اپنی مخصوص برانچز کے ذریعے شریعت کے مطابق اسلامی بینکنگ پروڈکٹس اور خدمات کی مکمل رینج پیش کرتا ہے۔

Select Account Type

Select Currency

کرنسی منتخب کریں

Select Account

اکاؤنٹ منتخب کریں
Swipe for more

Select your Preferences

Swipe for more

The name you wish to appear on your Debit Card

Select your preferred Branch

اپنی ترجیح کے مطابق بینک کی برانچ منتخب کریں

Select Branch Manually

مینولی برانچ منتخب کریں

Locate Nearest Branch

نزدیکی برانچ منتخب کریں

You have selected Branch: Zaibunnisa Street - Branch Code: 1298

You have selected Branch: Zaibunnisa Street - Branch Code: 1298

Personal Details

Basic Information

ID Doc Lifetime Expiry
Note: Select your place of birth as per your NADRA record
Dual Nationality
دوہری شہریت

Additional Information

The name of person who may be responsible for managing your account in case of emergency

The name of your mother prior to marriage

Note: Mother's Maiden Name should be as per your NADRA record
Note: Father/Husband Name should be as per your NADRA record

Know Your Customer information

Are You a PEP ?

“Politically exposed persons or PEPs” are individuals who are entrusted with prominent public functions either domestically or by a foreign country, or in an international organization, for example Heads of State or of government, senior politicians, senior government, judicial or military ocials, senior executives of state owned corporations/departments/autonomous bodies. This does not intend to cover middle ranking or more junior individuals in the foregoing categories;

Close Associates
Family Members/ Blood relative

Share the full name as per CNIC / SNIC

CNIC Number

How much money you expect to withdraw/take out from your account per month

How much money you expect to deposit/submit to your account per month

Note: You can select multiple mode of transactions
Note: You can select multiple delivery channels

Guardian Information

ID Doc Lifetime Expiry

Occupation Details

Source Of Fund/Income
فنڈ فراہم کر نے والے
Note: You can select multiple source of funds

Employer Address

Documents Required

Address Details

Permanent Address*

مستقل پتہ

No Information Yet

Use as Mailing Address
Use as Guardian Address

Current Address*

موجودہ پتہ

No Information Yet

Use same as Permanent Address
Use as Mailing Address
Use as Guardian Address

Professional Address *

پرووفیشنل / ادارے کا پتہ

No Information Yet

Use same as Permanent Address
Use as Mailing Address
Use as Guardian Address


Zakat Exemption

Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)

FATCA is US legislation aimed at preventing tax evasion by US Persons (which includes companies) using overseas accounts, and improving tax compliance between the US and financial institutions/jurisdictions that have agreed to adopt it. FATCA seeks to establish US Persons tax status.

FATCA امریکی قانون ہے۔ جس کا مقصد امریکی شہریوں (جس میں مختلف کمپنیاں شامل ہیں) کے ذریعے بیرون ملک اکاؤنٹس کا استعمال کرتے ہوئے ٹیکس چوری کا سد باب کر نا اور امریکا اور مختلف مالیاتی اداروں/جورڈیکشنز کے درمیان ٹیکس کی ادائیگی کو بہتر بنانا ہے ۔ FATCA امریکی افراد کے لئے ٹیکس گزار کا اسٹیٹس قائم کر نے کا ذریعہ ہے ۔

FATCA Information for Minor

Are you a U.S. Citizen?

کیا آپ ایک امریکی شہری ہیں؟

Are you a U.S. Green Card Holder?

کیا آپ یو ایس گرین کارڈ ہولڈر ہیں؟

Are you a U.S. Resident for tax purposes?

کیا آپ ٹیکس کے مقاصد کے لیے امریکہ کے رہائشی ہیں؟

Were you born in the U.S.?

کیا آپ امریکہ میں پیدا ہوئے تھے؟

Were you born outside the U.S. to U.S. Citizen/s?

کیا آپ امریکہ سے باہر امریکی شہری / شہریوں کے گھر میں پیدا ہوئے تھے؟

FATCA Information for Guardian

Are you a U.S. Citizen?

کیا آپ ایک امریکی شہری ہیں؟

Are you a U.S. Green Card Holder?

کیا آپ یو ایس گرین کارڈ ہولڈر ہیں؟

Are you a U.S. Resident for tax purposes?

کیا آپ ٹیکس کے مقاصد کے لیے امریکہ کے رہائشی ہیں؟

Were you born in the U.S.?

کیا آپ امریکہ میں پیدا ہوئے تھے؟

Were you born outside the U.S. to U.S. Citizen/s?

کیا آپ امریکہ سے باہر امریکی شہری / شہریوں کے گھر میں پیدا ہوئے تھے؟

Common Reporting Standard (CRS) - Tax Residency Information

The Common Reporting Standard (CRS) is an information-gathering and reporting requirement for financial institutions in participating countries/jurisdictions, to help fight against tax evasion and protect the integrity of the tax system

کامن رپورٹنگ اسٹینڈرڈ (CRS) ، ٹیکس چوری کے خلاف لڑنے اور ٹیکس کے نظام کی سالمیت کی حفاظت کے لیے حصہ لینے والے ممالک/ مختلف حدود میں مالیاتی اداروں کے لیے معلومات جمع کرنے اور رپورٹنگ کرنے کا مطلوبہ اسٹینڈر ہے ۔

CRS Information for Minor

Are you a tax resident of a country other than US and Pakistan?

کیا آپ امریکہ اور پاکستان کے علاوہ کسی اور ملک کے ٹیکس ادا کر نے والے رہائشی ہیں؟

CRS Information for Guardian

Are you a tax resident of a country other than US and Pakistan?

کیا آپ امریکہ اور پاکستان کے علاوہ کسی اور ملک کے ٹیکس ادا کر نے والے رہائشی ہیں؟

Upload your Documents اپنے ڈاکیو منٹ اپ لوڈ کریں

Note: Please upload the following documents اپنے ڈاکیو منٹ اپ لوڈ کریں

Guardian Specimen Signature نمونہ دستخط

Bank AL Habib Ltd - Specimen Signature Card






Live Image Capturing لائیو امیج کیپچرنگ

Review & Verify Details

Contact Information

Full Name (Account Title)
Mobile Number
CNIC Issuance Date

Account Information

Banking Mode
Account Type
Account Categpry
Debit Card
Debit Card Title
SMS Alerts

Branch Information

Branch Name

Personal Information

Basic Information

Expiry Date
Date Of Birth
Place Of Birth
City Of Birth
Dual Nationaity
Next of Kin Relationship
Next of Kin Name
Marital Status
Mother's Maiden Name
Landline Number
Father/Husband Name
Are Your a PEP ?
Close Associates
Family Members/ Blood relative
PEP Full Name
PEP ID Number
PEP Document Issuance Date
Purpose Of Account
Withdrawal Per Month
Deposit Per Month
Mode Of Transaction
Number Of Deposits Per Month
Number Of Withdrawals Per Month
Highest Balance
Delivery Channels

Minor Information

Minor Full Name
Minor ID Number
Minor Document Issuance Date

Guardian Information

Guardian Relationship
Guardian Date of Birth
CNIC Expiry Date

Remittance Information

Preferred Date
Preferred Time

Address Details

Permanent Address

House/Office No
Postal Code

Current Address

House/Office No
Postal Code

Professional Address

House/Office No
Postal Code

Occupation Details

Name of Business
Job Title
Source Of Fund/Income
Source Of Fund/Income Detail
Source Of Fund/Income Other
Name Of Fund Provider
Fund Provider Relationship
Fund Provider ID Doc Number
Fund Provider Relationship (Other)
Source Of Fund
Source Of Fund Other
Tel Office No



Are you a US Citizen
Are you a US Green Card Holder
Are you paying any taxes in the US
Were you born in the US
Are any of your parents a US Citizen
Business Name
List of Accounts
Requester Name Address
Social Security Number
Employer Identification Number
US Taxpayer SSN or ITIN
Foreign Tax Id Number
FTIN Legal
Reference Number

Guardian FATCA

Are you a US Citizen
Are you a US Green Card Holder
Are you paying any taxes in the US
Were you born in the US
Are any of your parents a US Citizen
Business Name
List of Accounts
Requester Name Address
Social Security Number
Employer Identification Number
US Taxpayer SSN or ITIN
Foreign Tax Id Number
FTIN Legal
Reference Number


Guardian CRS

Terms & Conditions شرائط و ضوابط

میں بینک الحبیب لمیٹڈمیں اکاؤنٹ کھولنے کے لیے منسلک راضی نامے سے متفق ہوں

میں بینک الحبیب لمیٹڈ میں اکاؤنٹ کھولنے کے لیے منسلک شرائط و ضوابط سے متفق ہوں

میں منسلک کی فیکٹ شیٹ سے متفق ہوں

میںCSRڈکلیئر یشن سےمتفق ہوں

میں FATCAڈکلیئریشن سےمتفق ہوں

میں منسلک سیلف ڈکلیئریشن سے متفق ہوں